Update #13 – Underground Project

Salve a tutti.
Il sotterraneo e le fogne stanno prendendo forma e “colore”.
Ecco le prime immagini dei prototipi dipinti.

Hi everyone.
The underground and the sewers are taking shape and “color”.
Here are the first images of the prototypes paintings.

Mentre attendiamo pazientemente che sia tutto digitalizzato nel linguaggio macchina per la prototipazione in plastica dura delle parti del dungeon. Da oggi entreremo nel dettaglio di ciò che si potrà ottenere già solo con i pavimenti e le pareti base.

While we wait patiently that everything come digitized into machine language for prototyping in hard plastic of the parts of the dungeon. From today we will enter into the details of what you can get only with the floors and the walls base.

Per il momento… vi lascio a sognare su cosa potrete ottenere con il nostro dungeon.

For the moment… I leave you to dream about what you can achieve with our dungeon.

Stay tuned. Lorenzo

Update #7 – W.I.P. Of the Mummies

Salve a tutti.
Abbiamo le prime immagini del work in progress delle miniature delle mummie create da Alessio Cisbani.

Hello to all.
We have the first images of the work in progress of the mummies created by Alessio Cisbani.

Le miniature sono ancora in lavorazione: Mancano le ultime rifiniture e altre 2 pose di braccia, la mummia inginocchiata e una testa .
Le  teste e le braccia saranno intercambiabili con i corpi, così si potranno ottenere moltissme pose diverse.

Stay tuned. Lorenzo

The miniatures are still in the works. Missing the finishing touches and other 2 poses of arms, miniature mummy kneeling and a head.
The heads and arms will be interchangeable with the bodies, so you can get many different poses.

Stay tuned. Lorenzo

Update #6 – The Mummies

Salve a tutti.
Oggi presentiamo un nostro collaboratore esterno di vecchia data: Alessio Cisbani,
fantastico pittore. Fece parte del team nella realizzazione del nostro gioco skirmish Mindstalker. sotto trovate alcuni esempi di miniature Mindstalkers dipinte da lui.

Hello to all.
Today we present an our collaborator of longtime Alessio Cisbani,
fantastic painter. He was part of the team in the realization of our game skirmish “Mindstalkers.” Below are some examples of Mindstalkers miniatures painted by him.

Oggi Alessio torna a collaborare con noi nella veste di disegnatore e scultore.
E’ veramente poliedrico come personaggio.
Naturalmente in un sotterraneo che si rispetti non possono mancare le cripte. E prendendo spunto da cripte italiane, abbiamo creato i nostri terrificanti luoghi di sepoltura.
Eccovi alcuni sketches degli “ospiti” che vi troveremo all’interno.

Today Alessio returns to cooperate with us in the role of designer and sculptor. It ‘s really versatile as character.
Of course in a underground that respectable can not miss the crypts. And taking a cue from Italian crypts, we have created our terrifying burial sites.
Here are some sketches of the “inhabitants” that you will find inside.

Alessio scrive di se:
Alessio “Wolfbane” Cisbani è scultore e pittore professionista di miniature. Nella sua carriera ha vinto diversi premi prestigiosi di pittura come il Golden Demon della GW. Ha collaborato e collabora attualmente come scultore e/o pittore con diverse ditte quali Mindstalkers MHW, Greebo Games, Easternfront Studios, Rolljordan miniatures, Troll Outpost miniatures, Another World miniatures, Ghost Train Games, Wrathborn skirmish game e ora torna a collaborare con Manorhouse Workshop.
Altri sketches:

Alessio writes of himself:
Alessio “Wolfbane” Cisbani is an Italian freelance miniature sculptor and painter. He won several important prizes as painter, like Golden Demon trophy by Games Workshop. He sculpted and painted for Mindstalkers MHW Greebo Games, Easternfront Studios, Rolljordan miniatures, Troll Outpost miniatures, Another World miniatures, Ghost Train Games, Wrathborn skirmish game and now back to collaborate with Manorhouse Workshop.

Domani potrete ammirare i primi WIP delle miniature Realizzate da Alessio sulla base dei suoi disegni.

Stay tuned. Lorenzo

Tomorrow you will be able see the first W.I.P. of the miniatures created from Alessio on the basis of his designs.

Stay tuned. Lorenzo

MHW – Discounts of 20% throughout July and August

salve a tutti.

Per tutto Luglio e Agosto sconto del 20% su tutti gli articoli Manorhouse Workshop  elencati sotto.

hello everyone  .

Throughout July and August,  20% discount on all Manorhouse Workshop items listed below.

MHW Italian Medieval  Buildings

roduct Code: Composition of buildings 0001    

Others images:

Image 02

Description: This box contains:
1 Tower– 1 Stair – 1House – 1 Cottage – 2 Overhangs – 8 Doors

HEIGHT: about 30 cm
WIDTH (front): about 45 cm
LENGTH: 20 cm
WEIGHT: 5,400 Kg

Suitable for miniatures from 25mm up to 40mm scale

Material: Synto Stone   price: 70,00 euro Discount: 56,00

Product Code: Composition of buildings 0002

Others images:

Image 02

Description: This box contains:
1 Tower– 1 Stair – 1House – 2 Cottage – 2 Overhangs – 1 Small House Overhang –  10 Doors

HEIGHT: about 30 cm
WIDTH (front): about 45 cm
LENGTH: 20 cm
WEIGHT: 6,200 Kg

Suitable for miniatures from 25mm up to 40mm scale

Material: Synto Stone   price: 90,00 euro Discount: 72,00

Product Code: Composition of buildings 0003

Others images:

Image 02

Description: This box contains:
1 Tower– 1 Stair – 1 Cottage – 3 Overhangs – 1 Small House Overhang – 8 Doors

HEIGHT: about 30 cm
WIDTH (front): about 23 cm
LENGTH: 29 cm

Suitable for miniatures from 25mm up to 40mm scale

Material: Synto Stone   price: 50,00 euro Discount: 40,00

Product Code: Composition of buildings 0004

Others images:

Image 02

Description: This box contains:
1House – 1 Stair – 2 Cottage – 2 Overhangs – 10 Doors

HEIGHT: about 30 cm
WIDTH (front): about 45 cm
LENGTH: 24 cm
WEIGHT: 4,300 Kg

Suitable for miniatures from 25mm up to 40mm scale

Material: Synto Stone   price: 55,00 euro Discount: 44,00

MHW – Italian Medieval Fortresses

Product Code:  Castle Battlemented Tower 0001 

Others images:

Image 02

Image 03

Description: This box contains:
1 Tower

HEIGHT: 31cm
WIDTH: 10cm (13cm at the Merlons)
LENGTH: 10cm (13cm at the Merlons)
WEIGHT: 2,500 Kg

Suitable for miniatures from 25mm up to 40mm scale

Material: Synto Stone Price (VAT Included): € 38.00 Discount: 30,00

MHW – Graveyard

1 Crypt – Type 5: Product Code:  MHW-MG-CCR-0007

Image 2

Image 3

HEIGHT: 13 cm
WIDTH: 7cm
LENGTH: 10cm
WEIGHT: 800 g

Suitable for miniatures from 25mm. up to 40mm. scale

Material: Synto Stone

price (VAT Included): 15,00 euro Discount: 12,00

Assembly instructions.

1 Crypt – Type 6: Product Code:  MHW-MG-CCR-0008   

Image 2

Image 3

HEIGHT: 13 cm
WIDTH: 10cm
LENGTH: 10cm
WEIGHT: 1 kg

Suitable for miniatures from 25mm up to 40mm scale

Material: Synto Stone

price (VAT Included): 18,00 euro Discount: 14,00

Alla prossima, Lorenzo

Regards, Lorenzo