Unique Works

All’nterno  di queste pagine troverete lavori unici.
Richiesti da privati, negozi o ditte. Per rappresentare nel miglior modo possibile un proprio sogno o un proprio prodotto.
L’eventuale riproduzione dei  singoli plastici non potrà mai essere identica al pezzo presentato nele foto. Essendo l’originale  in varie parti completamente autocostruito.

Here stunning unique works will be displayed for your eyes sake !
These works are custom orders: to represent in the best possible way a certain product of a shop or a society; as well as to realise a collector’s own dream.
Any new reproduction cannot be precise and faithfull to the original work because different parts of the scenery are full scratch-built.

The Manor on the Lake

Abbey with cemetery

Destroyed city

Underground pool with crypt

Underground pool with crypt and Furniture

Watchtower on the sea

River with waterfall

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If you decide to make a purchase, please don’t forget to leave us your feedback. Your positive feedback helps us to increase our work.

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